Interaction Needs Workshop: How To Develop a Customer Interaction “Playbook”

In this hands-on session, you’ll learn how to develop a unique “playbook” for each of the 10-20 most common issue types your customers are contacting you about. The ones that comprise 70-80+% of all your interactions. And, how to begin automating the process of offering the best match to each customer, each time they interact with you. What’s best? The best interaction is the most efficient, the most effective and the best experience–both for the customer and your team member who interacted with that person.

We now know which types of issues can be easily resolved with virtual assistants, and which can’t. Which require human assistance through messaging, and which are best handled through a voice interaction. And you will leave this session with the first draft of a playbook of your own–for proactively matching your most common issue types to the best interaction type for that need.

The leadership team from a leading FI will share their insights on:

  • How the idea of a “playbook” came up in the first place
  • How it helped them better manage their incoming interactions
  • How this approach is yielding results–both in cost savings and revenue generation

Come join us for this lively, interactive session designed to encourage your team to feel more empowered to manage your interactions in a unified way.

Banking / Credit Unions, Insurance, Financial Institution
Glia Product
Unified Interaction Management (UIM)
Session Type