Date & Time
Thursday, May 2, 2024, 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Beyond the Lights: Leveraging TruBridge EHR for Seamless Transitions of Care

Dive into the vital realm of Transitions of Care and discover how this process is a key component in ensuring patient safety and continuity of care in your community. This session will provide insights into the varies ways TruBridge EHR can be effectively utilized to accomplish key workflows, emphasizing the current capabilities of sending, receiving, and reconciling the CCDA across TruBridge EHR. Stay informed and empower your facility to enhance patient outcomes through streamlined transitions of care.

TruBridge EHR
Target Audience(s)
Clinic-Financial, IT Services, Nursing
CEU Credits
Nursing CEU, Physician CME
Joey Clarke - TruBridge
Blakely Prine - TruBridge